About Us

Who We Are

Approach Autism is self help group of parents of children with Autism. It has been registered under the name “Approach Autism Society” registration number “525/Jaipur/2011-12”.

AAS is registered under NITI Ayog with unique id RJ/2017/0180386 dated 28/11/2019.

Approach Autism Society (AAS) is registered under Person With Disability (PWD renewed) act 1995 article 52(2) wide F16(14)/15/Registration/Ni.Vi.Yo/20213698 dated 10/05/2022

About Autism

As per statistics, one in every 150 persons has an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), out of which 80% are males. Statistics also show that more than 4 millions people with autism, spread all over in India irrespective of background, religion, caste or class. If we consider the statistics with respect to Jaipur; 25 to 40 newborns per month are to be diagnosed with autism; i.e. in an year 300 to 450 children. While the disorder is not rare, the majority of autistic people in India have not been diagnosed and do not receive the services they need. This problem occurs in many countries, but is especially true in India where there is a tremendous lack of awareness and misunderstanding about autism among the medical professionals, who may either misdiagnose or under diagnose the condition.

Autism is a lifelong neuro-biological disorder but with early intervention & system approach it can be controlled to enable the child functional and lead a fruitful life by his adulthood.

With this intention in mind, we Parents group of autistic children have started our unique journey under an umbrella “Approach Autism” at Jaipur to benefit people of Rajasthan and adjoining states by rendering services.

Aims and Objectives

The aims and objects for which the Society is established are the following:

Education : To organise training and refresher programmes for the parents/ guardians/Care Giver/ Siblings (of persons with the disability)/ volunteers and officials of different Non-Government Organisations to strengthen the development skills of trainees which they can use for the betterment of the group and home.

To disseminate information and knowledge, to edit, publish, and print literature and documents, maintain libraries, and to organise seminars/ conference/ meetings etc related to the disability sector for the betterment of person with the disability and their families.

Our Vision

Inclusion of differently abled persons in the main stream global society.

Our Mission

To establish infrastructure for persons with autism and multiple disability which offers equitable, barrier free and dignified services and offers them opportunity for lively hood with support of resourceful, skilled members/ stakeholders of the community/ society.